Wednesday 15 February 2012

Stem Ginger Shortbread (wheat & gluten free)

Thankfully this recipe worked much better this - the second time around. Having written an evaluation from last time (a good tip) and then following those tips this time, success is upon us!

200g unsalted butter, softened
100g caster sugar, plus extra for sprinkling
260g plain flour (Doves Farm wheat-free blend)
40g cornflour
1/2 tsp ground ginger
pinch of salt
50g chopped glace ginger
2 x lined baking sheets

put butter in a bowl and beat with electric mixer until creamy and slowly add sugar bit by bit, continuing to whisk intil paler in colour and fluffy.
weigh out the flours and add salt, ground ginger - sieve into butter/sugar mix and mix with wooden spoon to bind.
add glace ginger and combine with hands until mixture is soft enough to combine into a dough.
roll out into a 20cm long log shape and refrigerate for 30 mins.
pre-heat oven to 170c and cut dough into circles 1cm thick.
ensure that you leave sufficient gaps between them (you may need to bake in two batches) and bake for 20 minutes until firm to touch but not darker in colour.
remove from oven, sprinkle with caster sugar and completely leave to cool (do not attempt to touch them or they'll break up!)

The result is delectably crips and light shortbread with chewy bits of ginger and a delicate ginger flavour. You'll never know they're wheat-free (as with all miss dc's baking).

1 comment:

  1. these sold SO well at my last market, so a definite for future stalls!
